Star Wars: Age of Rebellion: Sharpshooter Specialization Deck
Climb effortlessly through the ranks of the Rebel Alliance with Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion Specialization Decks! Created via FFG’s in-house manufacturing, Age of Rebellion Specialization Decks each come with twenty talent cards for a single specialization, so you can keep the text of your character’s abilities at your fingertips. Whether you’re learning the ropes, flying starfighters into battle, or exchanging blaster fire with Imperial Stormtroopers, Specialization Decks will help you spend less time reviewing the rules so you have more time to battle the evil Galactic Empire!
When a firefight erupts, the Sharpshooter maintains his composure, takes careful aim, and eliminates threats with ruthless efficiency and lightning speed. Sharpshooters are, simply, the masters of personal-scale ranged combat, and the Soldier Sharpshooter Specialization Deck ensures that you'll be able to block out as many distractions as possible, so that you're always able to focus fully on your next shot.
Each Specialization Deck contains:
- 2 cover cards (including a reference guide for each deck)
- 20 standard sized talent cards