Pokemon Battle 2 Inch And 3 Inch Figure Packs(50077) - Select Figure(s)
Choose from:
- Wynaut + Charmander
- Squirtle + Appletun
- Pikachu + Bulbasaur
- Aipom + Pikachu
- Absol
- Ivysaur
- Machop + Snubbull
- Hawlucha
- Deino + Vulpix
- Abra + Totodile
- Gastly
- Larvitar + Cyndaquil
- Psyduck
- Flareon
- Glaceon
Unleash the power of the Pokémon world with this assortment of small but mighty 2-inch and 3-inch figure packs!
- With authentic details and dynamic action poses, each figure is prepared to have an awesome Pokemon battle!
- Get ready to build your own Pokemon team and relive favorite moments from the Pokemon TV show.
- Gotta Catch ‘Em All!™