Palladium Fantasy: Book 10: Mount Nimro, Kingdom of Giants

Palladium Fantasy: Book 10: Mount Nimro, Kingdom of Giants

  • $24.99

That's right, the Mount Nimro region is the domain of giants: Jotan, Nimro, Gigantes, Cyclops, Gromek, Trolls and others. A gathering of clans, tribes and refugees that is quickly becoming a true "kingdom" rather than a motley collection of misanthropes. A Kingdom of Giants that frightens the surrounding human, Elf and Dwarf settlements and is beginning to concern even the Western Empire. Get all the details for yourself!

  • New player O.C.C.s and monster races.
  • History and world information, making note of powerful factions, warlords, villains and growing conflicts.
  • Maps, adventures and adventure ideas.
  • Page Count: 160 pages
  • Interior Art: Johnson, Dubisch, Burles.
  • Written by: Bill Coffin.

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