Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Tiger Electronics Handheld Video Game

  • $20.63

Imagine going back in time! Gamers who are die-hard fans into retro tech, or are new to this genre, will love this Tiger Electronics Might Morphin Power Rangers electronic LCD video game, inspired by the original from the 1990s. Imagine that the evil Rita Repulsa has been a prisoner for 10,000 years but now she's free and wants to destroy the earth. Gamers play as Power Ranger Jason, with help of fellow Rangers Trini, Zack, Kimberly, and Billy as they go through 5 stages of play trying not to lose lives along the way. The design and technology were created with the original Power Rangers handheld game unit in mind. The game makes a great holiday or birthday gift for kids ages 8 and up and it's also fun for teens and adults.

Look for other retro-inspired Tiger Electronics LCD video games. Each sold separately.

Ages 8 and up.

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