Army Painter Warpaints: The Others Paint Set of Sin

  • $32.50

The Army Painter and Cool Mini or Not in cooperation with Studio McVey are thrilled to announce The Others exclusive `Paint Set of Sin`, featuring 10 exclusive Warpaints, of which eight are only available in this set.

Painting miniatures for The Others Presents some unique Challenges, so having colors that have been specially designed for the job is a must.

I Picked colors that not only work well for a particular Sin, but also mixed well with each other for shading and highlight colors for different Sins. I also added paints that would be useful in general - such as Glistening Blood, and Red Tone Ink. Gloss Varnish is a great addition for giving shine to slavering maws and sharp talons. - Mike McVey, Art Director The Others Studio McVey

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