The Lord of the Rings LCG: Across the Ettenmoors
The Lord of the Rings LCG: Assault on Osgiliath
The Lord of the Rings LCG: Beneath the Sands
The Lord of the Rings LCG: Conflict at the Carrock
The Lord of the Rings LCG: Encounter at Amon Din
The Lord of the Rings LCG: Escape from Mount Gram
The Lord of the Rings LCG: Fire in the Night
The Lord of the Rings LCG: Flight of the Stormcaller
The Lord of the Rings LCG: Foundations of Stone
The Lord of the Rings LCG: Heirs of Numenor
The Lord of the Rings LCG: Khazad-dum
The Lord of the Rings LCG: Mount Gundabad
The Lord of the Rings LCG: Return to Mirkwood
The Lord of the Rings LCG: Revised Core Set
The Lord of the Rings LCG: Road to Rivendell
The Lord of the Rings LCG: Roam Across Rhovanion
The Lord of the Rings LCG: Shadow and Flame
The Lord of the Rings LCG: Temple of the Deceived
The Lord of the Rings LCG: The Antlered Crown
The Lord of the Rings LCG: The Battle of Carn Dum
The Lord of the Rings LCG: The Black Riders
The Lord of the Rings LCG: The Black Serpent
The Lord of the Rings LCG: The Blood of Gondor
The Lord of the Rings LCG: The Card Game