Warmachine: Convergence of Cyriss 2016 Faction Deck (MK III)
Warmachine: Convergence of Cyriss Forge Master Syntherion
Warmachine: Convergence of Cyriss Token Set
Warmachine: Crucible Guard Assault Troopers
Warmachine: Crucible Guard Aurum Adeptus Syvestro
Warmachine: Cryx Black Ogrun Boarding Party
Warmachine: Cryx Black Ogrun Boarding Party 2
Warmachine: Cryx Bloodgorgers, Blighted Trollkin
Warmachine: Cryx Corruptor/Reaper/Malice
Warmachine: Cryx Inflictor/Seether
Warmachine: Cryx Jussika Bloodtongue
Warmachine: Cryx Kharybdis Heavy Warjack
Warmachine: Cryx Kraken Colossal
Warmachine: Cryx Mortenebra, Numen of Necrogenesis - Warcaster
Warmachine: Cryx Nightmare
Warmachine: Cryx Revenant Crew of the Atramentous w/ 3 Riflemen
Warmachine: Cryx Scharde Pirates
Warmachine: Cryx Slayer/Erebus Cryx Warjack
Warmachine: Cryx Soulhunter Calvary troop
Warmachine: Cryx Sturgis the Corrupted
Warmachine: Cryx Wraith Witch Deneghra 1
Warmachine: Cygnar Brickhouse
Warmachine: Cygnar Captain Allison Jakes - Warcaster