Squishable Snuggly Snail (Standard)

  • $45.00

Don't eat your meal at your desk with nothing but a glowing screen for company! Come to the Slimy Supper Club! We garden snails prefer to eat together. Sylvia brought a casserole, Martin has the salad and Claudia made eclairs for dessert! If there's one fact we're sure of, it's that snails and pot-lucks go together like...snails and garlic!This particular Snail isn't slimy at all, but instead he's bright, soft and cuddly! The facts remain the same though: Snails are adorable, they love to share their snacks, they have hot fuschia shells, and they're over a foot tall! Right!

15 squishy inches of fun! All new polyester fiber, ages 3 and up only!

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