Squishable Happy Hedgehog (Standard)

  • $45.00

They say the Hedgehog is the "gardener's friend!" Say you're wrist-deep in a bed of geraniums and you don't notice that your pants are sagging! Anyone watching you from the street might stand there snickering as they witness the moon rising over your yard, but not a hedgehog! She will inform you of your sartorial issues and save you untold embarrassment!No, no, I know, Hedgehogs are the "gardener's friend" because they eat snails, spiders and other garden pests. Killjoy. But even their predilection for eating our enemies doesn't fully explain the gardener-hedgie relationship! Gardeners, just like the rest of us, love a good cuddle. C'mere, friend!

15 squishy inches of fun! All new polyester fiber, ages 3 and up only!

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